Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blast from the past: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 1

I've been rewatching the season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer lately (I'm a big fan of the show, and Joss Whedon) and just had to write about Buffy's style on that season. I just find it very nostalgic, since her clothes could've been picked out from my closet at the time. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't actually think the style is great anymore, but it just makes the show that much more real to me, since I was about Buffy's age when the series began airing and I was actually living in US at the time.

The best example is definitely this outfit:
I wore a lot of stuff that looked like that... Also Cordelia's pants seem familiar, although I think mine were orange. Buffy's outfit actually include boots, which you can also see in the group picture below. I loved boots, I think I still do. I still would wear boots, it's just very hard to find ones that fit with my shoe size, I shop in the children's section in Finland.
These next ones are few more examples:

People tend to not like the first season of Buffy that much. I do. It's just a bit different than the rest. But I love the way the series grow with Buffy. The first season is a bit more fluffy, but then again, the main characters are 15. And I also like teen shows/movies, especially the ones I used to watch, like all the Molly Ringwald movies. I just think the first season is very much the style and way of life of someone that age. And as I said, the style used to be so me. And also, you can see the spark start here.


  1. Awesome timing. We must have been rewatching Buffy season 1 at the same time. :)

    I too love the clothes in that season, in a nostalgic way. I think season 1 is one of the best seasons when considering the relationships between the main characters. Although I love every season of Buffy, I think the show lost something special when the characters graduated from high school.

